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Saved Searches

Since v3.7

Advanced searches done can be saved under chosen name and used later on when needed. They can also be shared with other users. 

Saving search query

In Search window (Custom Query) fill up search conditions and verify results. If you want to save such query then click on Save button.

Name - is not unique so saved searched with same name can be present.
Class - (read only) just informs what class are the objects your searching for.
HQL - (read only)  searched conditions translated to HQL language that is used by HDC to search through database.

Using Saved Queries

On Search dialog click on Saved Query button and from the dropdown list all the saved searches you own and are shared with you. Select one that you need and hit Search or XLS export.

Chosen query definition in HQL language will be displayed 

Please note that results of same Search Queries can differ per user as results are filtered by user rights and permissions to objects.

Managing Saved Queries

To view a detailed list of all the searches you own and those that have been shared with you, click on the Manage Queries tab in the Search dialog. For your saved searches, you can take the following actions:

  • Delete a saved search,

  • Share or unshare it with a user or group.

These actions are only possible for the searches you have created unless you also have the HyperDoc Administrator role. Administrators, however, can modify saved searches that they do not own. By clicking on the View all checkbox, administrators can also see all existing saved searches.

Saved searches available from Advanced search button

Since 4.8

A quick access menu to saved searches is available under the Search button.

When no saved searches are defined, the menu will be empty:


When Saved searches are defined, a list will be shown directly on the dropdown menu:


When specific saved search is selected from the menu, a result window will be opened automatically: